Like most other chronic conditions, psoriasis and eczema can be difficult to treat.
We all experience the symptoms of these conditions differently. Therefore, it’s often hard for patients or physicians to nail down the best treatment for your symptoms.
If you’ve recently been diagnosed with psoriasis or eczema, you already know that there’s no cure for these conditions. And it’s up to you to try different treatment options to find out what works best for you.
But, don’t let this get you down!
In addition to the many over-the-counter medications your doctor can prescribe you, there are many at-home remedies for both psoriasis and eczema, capable of providing you with the much-needed relief from your symptoms.
In today’s blog post, we’re taking a look at a few natural treatments for psoriasis and eczema.

Get a Proper Diagnosis
If you haven’t already seen a dermatologist about your condition, it’s vital that you make an appointment to discuss your symptoms before trying any home remedies.
This serves two purposes: 1) you get to confirm that you are, in fact, suffering from psoriasis or eczema and 2) your dermatologist can tell you if there are any home remedies or treatments you should avoid.
Learn about the importance of a proper skin analysis here.
Treating Psoriasis Naturally
Let’s take a look at some of the most popular tips we could find on treating psoriasis naturally.
Get Some Natural Sunlight
Psoriatic lesions are caused when your skin cells replenish themselves faster than they can be shed.
Fortunately, UV rays can slow down the growth of skin cells, which can provide temporary relief from psoriatic symptoms.
However, too much sun can be harmful.
Therefore, make sure to apply sunscreen to your non-psoriatic skin and try to limit the amount of time you spend in the sun to avoid burning.

Don’t Skimp on the Moisturizer
Moisturizing creams, body butter, and balms are all excellent at providing relief from psoriatic symptoms.
So with that in mind, it’s best to apply moisturizer to your skin several times per day. Just avoid applying it to any lesions that may be present.
It’s also best to use moisturizers with added vitamins and minerals, which can help protect your skin from developing lesions in the future.
Avoid Certain Skincare Products
When shopping for skincare products, avoid those with high alcohol levels as these will likely dry out your skin more. Also, avoid any products that contain harsh ingredients like sulfates, parabens and phthalates, and most of all, fragrance.
Instead, look for those with jojoba, argan or castor oil, aloe vera, neem, calendula and/or green tea.
Also, when you’re trying out new products, always be sure to test it on your forearm or wrist before applying it to your entire body. This helps avoid the possibility of a whole-body allergic reaction.
Learn more about which ingredients to avoid in your skincare products here:
Learn Your Triggers
All of our lifestyle choices affect us in some way or another. And this is especially true for people who suffer from psoriasis.
Therefore, factors such as your diet or your sleeping habits can be significant contributors to your psoriasis symptoms. Likewise, stress is often a very prominent trigger factor in people suffering from the condition.
Therefore, relaxation techniques, such as yoga and/or meditation, can help reduce psoriatic symptoms and the likeliness of developing new lesions.
Start by making small changes to your daily self-care routine. Be mindful of the lifestyle choices you’re making, and you should start to see what’s been affecting and exacerbating your condition.
Even the little changes you make can make a huge difference in the management of your symptoms.
Invest in a Humidifier
Using a humidifier in your bedroom is another excellent psoriasis prevention tip to help you reduce the discomfort associated with the symptoms of psoriasis.
This helps keep the air in the room more humid, which in turn, should help keep your skin moist.

Treating Eczema Naturally
Now that we’ve covered our tips on treating psoriasis naturally, let’s take a look at what you can do at home to alleviate the symptoms associated with eczema.
Avoid Scratching
With eczema, scratching can be extremely tempting. However, the relief you get from scratching is only temporary and will likely cause your condition to worsen.
When you scratch, you risk irritating and damaging your skin, which often prolongs symptoms and makes your skin even itchier.
So try to avoid scratching as much as possible.
But if you can’t help yourself, try bandaging the affected areas to make scratching more difficult. It’s also a good idea to keep your nails trimmed short or wear gloves to sleep so you won’t unconsciously scratch yourself in the middle of the night.
Try Using Coconut Oil
Although coconut oil can be used for a wide range of natural benefits, it’s also great for relieving the symptoms associated with eczema.
Simply apply a thin layer of coconut oil to the affected area. This should help significantly reduce the pain and itchiness you’re likely suffering from.
But just be careful, coconut oil can stain clothing. So make sure to pay attention when applying it and allow it to dry before covering your skin.
Take a Colloidal Oatmeal Bath
Basically, colloidal oatmeal is just very finely ground up oatmeal. When added to water, it disperses perfectly without clumping together, creating a milky colored bath.
Used in this way, your bath will have skin softening and hydrating properties to it.
Plus, colloidal oatmeal has many natural, anti-inflammatory properties that make it excellent to help alleviate eczema symptoms.
We recommend soaking in an oatmeal bath filled with lukewarm water for 15 or 20 before gently patting your skin dry and applying a protective moisturizer. Using water that is too hot can worsen your symptoms.

Avoid Stress
According to WebMD, stress is often a contributing factor to auto-immune disorders such as eczema.
So, do your best not to worry and avoid stressing out over things that are out of your control.
Of course, we know that your eczema itself can be a major source of stress in your life. Still, it’s important to take some time out of each day to relax and reduce stress.
Try going out for more walks, joining a yoga class, or simply being more active.
Choose Soft Fabrics
When deciding on what to wear, it’s best to choose softer fabrics with natural fibers such as cotton, silk or bamboo.
These materials are much softer than synthetic fibers such as polyester, nylon, acrylic, which are derived from coal, oil and natural gas.
Natural fabrics are gentler on your skin and ensure that the fabric will not irritate your eczema symptoms. Just avoid wearing wool directly against your skin. Although it’s a natural fiber, it can aggravate irritated skin.
It’s also a good idea to wear loose-fitting clothing, rather than tighter clothing.
Home Remedies for Psoriasis and Eczema
Conditions such as psoriasis and eczema cause irritated, dry, cracked skin, itchiness, and in some cases, debilitating pain.
If you suffer from either of these two skin conditions, you likely already know that there’s no cure.
Fortunately, there are many OTC medications, as well as the aforementioned home remedies that can help you alleviate your symptoms and better manage your condition.
Calendula and neem are two other natural ingredients that can help alleviate the symptoms of both psoriasis and eczema.
Our Neem and Green Tea Soap and Green Tea and Neem Facial Scrub would make an excellent addition to your skincare routine, especially if you’re suffering from either of these conditions.
Interested in learning more about natural skincare? Download my Complete Guide to Natural Skin Care, and learn all there is to know about keeping your skin happy and healthy naturally.